Our Instruments

Rheological Testing: Melt Index (MFR-MVR), Relative viscosity for polyamides

Rheological Testing: MFR- MVR

Melt mass flow rate (MFR) index is determined with viscosity measurement in molten state and it represents polymer quantity given in grams, that flows from a standard capillary tube with a standard weight at temperature and time conditions in accordance with ISO 1133.

Melt volume flow rate (MVR) index is determined in the same way as for the MFR, but in this case the MVR is expressed as the polymer quantity which is extruded from standard capillary tube that subjects to standard weight (ISO 1133) given in cm3.

MFR and MVR are two different ways of expressing the same material property; this is a characteristic linked to molecular weight in the sense that an increase in molecular weight leads to viscosity increase of polymers and a decrease of the MFR or MVR.

Assuming that other structural characteristics do not submit to significant changes, an increase of MFR-MVR will improve material processability but other properties will decrease their characteristics such as impact resistance.

Rheological Testing: Relative viscosity for polyamides

Viscosity measurements for polyamides are obtained by determining the time that a solution of known polymer concentration are dissolved in a solvent and the time it takes to flow inside a defined section of a capillary tube.

This test is performed at 25°C in a temperature-controlled bath and it measures the time involved by the solution to cover a fixed distance. The result is expressed as adimensional number: relative viscosity.

The viscosity measurement that is obtained is inversely proportional to polymer fluidity. High flow time related to solution corresponds to high viscosity values which are typical for polymers with high molecular weights.


Fields of application:

• It can be used to confirm data given in technical data sheets;

• On moulded parts, relative viscosity value can provide indications on the material degradation which occurs during this processes.

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