Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS) is an analysis technique used to determine the qualitative and quantitative elemental composition of generally liquid samples.
In the case of polymeric samples it is necessary to carry out a correct sample preparation procedure, consisting of a mineralization step.
The analytical information is obtained by introducing the sample into the nebulizer where it is converted into an aerosol of droplets through a process called nebulization. The aerosol is then transported to the burner where the atoms and ions undergo an excitation process followed by the absorption of characteristic radiations. The radiation is detected and converted into an electrical signal which is used to trace the type of analyte and after the construction of an appropriate calibration curve for its concentration.
The CONTRAA 800F instrument is the first atomic absorption spectrophotometer that allows to combine the high simplicity and robustness of the classic atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS) together with the flexibility and sampling capacity of ICP techniques. Thanks to the Xenon source, it is possible to carry out multi-element and multi-wavelength analyzes, without the need to change the lamp. Thanks to the combination of Xenon source, High Resolution optics and CCD detector, we are able to display the sample absorption spectrum on the monitor, with a significant increase in the accuracy of the data.