Our Instruments

Ion-exchange chromatograph (IC)

Ion chromatography is involved in order to separate, identify and then quantify ionic or ionisable substances. This technique is based on the exchange reactions between ions that are contained in solutions and ions that lay on a solid. In ion chromatography stationery phase is a solid that contains ion groups combined with counterions. During the elution phase a ionized group is a solution that contains ions that can be combined with the ions contained in the sample suitable for reinforced sites during stationary phases. During the selection process between mobile phase and stationary phase it is possible to separate ionic or ionizable substances both inorganic or organic.

Fields of application

• Determining of total quantity of bromine (that is useful for preliminary RoHS screening to determine brominated flame retardants);

• Determining of quantity of chlorine (PVC);

• Quantitative and qualitative determination of PTFE (Teflon ®) that could be contained in polymers.

Example of analyses that can be performed


What percentage of PTFE (Teflon ®) does the sample contain?




After ion-exchange chromatography analysing results are shown on a calibration curve and it will state the percentage of PTFE contained in the sample.

The picture shows an example of the mentioned analyse and it reports that the analysed sample contains 22% PTFE by weight.

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